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Battle Mountain Complex Daily Update 08-09-2024
Battle Mountain Complex
Publication Type: News - 08/09/2024 - 10:00
Containment climbs on the Battle Mountain Complex
Total Complex Estimated Acres: 182,766
Location: Ukiah, Oregon
Cause: Under Investigation
Personnel: 1733
Containment: 61%
Estimated Cost: $56 million
Resources: 59 crews | 70 engines | 9 helicopters | 40 water tenders | 25 dozers
Highlights: Containment increased on the Battle Mountain Complex as crews grow confident in their control lines on the southwest side.
Operations: Yesterday pockets of unburned fuel in Swale Creek and Ditch Creek continued to burn. Firefighters responded by extinguishing hot spots and ensuring nothing threatened the containment lines. Late afternoon, two small spot fires crossed the containment lines just northwest of the Potamus drainage. Crews were able to quickly respond and build line around the spots. Sawyers finished falling hazard trees on the southwest side of the fire. The night shift patrolled most of the south side of the fire and continued looking for hot spots on the northside.
Today, firefighters will continue mopping up and ensuring the remaining areas of unburned fuels around Notell, Swale Creek and Ditch Creek do not threaten containment lines. Masticators will reinforce the lines by removing brushy fuels north of the Potamus Creek drainage. Crews will continue checking for any remaining heat along the fireline southwest of Dale that is still not contained. As much of the southern half of the fire is moving into a patrol status, fire managers are turning the efforts toward repair of any impacts caused from the suppression effort. Resource advisors are working with firefighters to identify what repair is needed and what equipment or resources will be needed to complete the work.
Engines are still patrolling the North Fork Owens Fire daily.
Weather: Cloud cover will continue to build in the afternoon today. A slight chance of rain is expected into the weekend which may also bring slightly increased winds. These isolated showers are not expected to bring much moisture but will increase the chance of dry lightning and new fire starts. Temperatures will gradually trend down into next week.
Smoke: Smoke from regional fires is expected to persist in the area. Residents can expect to continue to see smoke from interior pockets of unburned fuel as well as small burnout operations. Helicopter resources will patrol the fire and provide bucket-drop support where visibility allows. Additional smoke information:
Public Land Closures: The Bureau of Land Management and the Umatilla National Forest have closed public lands in the fire area. Visit for more information.
Road closures and fire restrictions:
Grant, Morrow and Umatilla County Evacuations: